How To Play

1. Sex Category

Setup: Both partners should be in a comfortable, private setting.

Play: Take turns drawing a card from the Sex category. Read the prompt aloud.

Action: Follow the playful and erotic suggestion on the card. It may involve trying something new or sharing intimate thoughts. Always ensure mutual consent and comfort with each activity.

2. Intimacy Category

Setup: Choose a time when both partners can focus on each other.

Play: Take turns drawing an Intimacy card and read the prompt aloud.

Action: Each partner takes turns responding to the prompt. The goal is to foster deeper understanding and emotional connection, so listen actively and share openly without judgment.

3. Date Category

Setup: This category can be played anytime. Shuffle The deck.

Play: Take turns drawing a Date card and announce the activity to your partner, the person who drew the card is responsible for organizing the Date.

Action: Plan and engage in the light-hearted activity together. The aim is to create date ideas to enjoy each other's company.

4. Game Category

Setup: Shuffle the deck and take turns drawing cards until there are none left. This will be your stack to play at any time. Make sure to keep the Game cards accessible to both partners at all times.

Play: At any moment, one partner can choose to ‘play’ a Game card from their stack. Show the card to your partner and explain what that card is. Pick your moments for maximum effect!

Action: The other partner then fulfils the request on the card. These could range from doing a special favour or performing a task. The idea is to add spontaneity and joy to your daily life.

Key Points to Remember

Consent and Comfort: Always ensure that both partners are comfortable and consenting to the activities suggested on the cards.

Flexibility: Feel free to adapt or modify the activities to suit your preferences and comfort levels.

Communication: Use the cards as a tool to enhance communication and understanding between you and your partner.

Fun and Respect: While these cards are designed for fun and intimacy, always approach each activity with respect and care for each other’s feelings.